Stay updated on the latest happenings at CCC
Feb 17
- Monday
- 3:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Developing Skills in Supervision: Giving and Receiving Supervision
This three-day webinar is focused on helping supervisors and supervisees explore & articulate their relationship to supervision through a reflexive inquiry.
Feb 24
- Monday
- 3:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Workshop on Supervision In The Context Of Diversities: Working With Sameness & Differences
This three-day webinar is focused on exploring the influence of GgRRAAAACCEEEESSSS in therapy, supervision and supervisory relationships!
Mar 10
- Monday
- 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Resourcing the self of the therapist: Intentional Use of Self, and effective self-care.
This two-day workshop is focused on the self of the therapist based on the philosophical foundation is based on the Person of the Therapist Training (POTT).
Mar 13
- Friday
- 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Using the Person of the Therapist Training Model (POTT) in Clinical Supervision: Resourcing Supervisors
POTT model helps clinicians enhance their therapeutic effectiveness by utilising different aspects of their personhood. It emphasizes self-awareness and purposefully using personal resources to better serve clients.