CCC is committed in respect of all its activities to the implementation of its values, which are Compassion, Courage, Humility, Integrity, and Professionalism.

The Values undergirds the Trainees’ Charter, which acknowledges the rights of Trainees who are registered as Trainees with CCC.  The support and guidance given to trainees at the Centre are based on its principles, which also guide how the Centre relates to other community agencies.

Rights and Opportunities of Trainees

Trainees who are registered with CCC can expect the following:

    • Be treated respectfully as an adult learner with previous appropriate professional experience.
    • Have a clear organisational structure for learning.
    • Be given opportunities to develop their abilities to the best of their potential.
    • Be treated equally irrespective of religion, race, gender, class, age, or agency that they work in.
    • Be given all the administrative help necessary.
    • Be given regular and adequate feedback throughout the duration of the course.
    • Be granted the opportunity to give feedback to the Course Chair on all administrative matters related to the course.
    • Be granted the opportunity to give feedback to the Supervisors on matters directly related to the course.
    • Opportunities to redress complaints via the Course Chair and the Executive Director of CCC should the need arise. For example, when they cannot resolve their difficulties directly with their supervisors or fellow trainees.
    • Be consulted when feedback about them are requested by their agencies.

 Learning Resources and Administrative Support

Use of Library

Please refer to our Trainee Portal to access the library catalogue and follow the procedures for borrowing. Trainees can borrow up to 3 books at a time with the loan period of 3 weeks.  Returning and borrowing of books is restricted to the library opening hours on the day of the course. A fine of 10 cents per day will be imposed for keeping books beyond due dates.

Journals are available for reference only within the Centre. Please sign out and sign back in on the Journals Loan Recording Sheet that is placed at the Reception desk at the Training Wing of CCC, when borrowing and returning any of the journals. Trainees can borrow up to 3 journals at a time within the day. Please help to shelf the journals when returning them after reference.

Library users are responsible for the cost of repair or replacement of any materials damaged or lost whilst in their possession.

Booking of Rooms for Tape Review

Trainees also have access to the use of rooms for clinical work, and the use of video cameras for taping and monitors to view their work.


The charge for photocopying materials for personal readings is 10 cents per side of A4 size paper.

CCC complies with the Copyright Act of Singapore (1999, Section 35), and seeks to ensure that every staff and Trainee complies with this Act regarding the photocopying of articles and reading materials. Any breach of the Act may lead to disciplinary action being taken, access to library facilities being withdrawn or dismissal from the course.


Trainees are to switch mobile phones and any other sound producing devices to OFF mode or to SILENT mode during the duration of the training. If calls have to be answered, trainees are expected to leave the room to respond to calls. A telephone is provided in the training wing. However, no incoming calls will be connected unless under urgent circumstances.  Messages will be taken on behalf of trainees, where possible. Out-going calls can be made during the breaks.  Long distance calls will be charged to trainees.


Refreshments in the form of hot drinks and drinking water are provided. Trainees may however choose to bring any additional food or drink items. Food items may be heated using the Centre’s microwave oven. Please remember to use non-metallic utensils (this includes crockery with non-metal based paints).

Request for Specific Assistance

Trainees may request for Administrative Executive to help in contacting clients and arranging appointments with them, setting up client files and booking of rooms for tape reviews.

The comprehensive list of trainee support services and programmes that is provided by the School to meet the needs of trainees and enhance overall educational experience is as follow: –

For new trainees

  • Trainee Orientation Programme
    • where trainees are briefed on CCC’s facilities, course structure, module outlines, assessment, schedule, admission requirements, fee payment and refund policy, Trainee’s portal and the student contract they have signed.
  • Please click HERE for reference of a sample student contract.
  • Arrangement for Medical Screening (for international students)
  • Visa / Student Pass Application (for international students)

For current trainees

  • Fee Protection Scheme.
  • Counselling Support (Intervention for Academic and Non-Academic issues)
    • Basic counselling support, if needed, is provided by the Course Chair in the first instance. Should a professionally trained counsellor be needed, the centre refer the trainee to its team of therapists at CCC’s counselling service. Counselling fee is payable.
  • Dispute resolution process
    • Please refer to Feedback, Complaints and Dispute Resolution.
  • Feedback mechanism and channels
    • Please refer to Feedback, Complaints and Dispute Resolution.
  • Library Access for References
  • Trainee Progress Reports
  • Personal Development Programme (for Post-Graduate Diploma Programme)
    • Personal development sessions, conducted on one-to-one basis or in group, are arranged to provide additional opportunities for the trainees to reflect on their learning and nurture their personal growth.
  • Personal Therapy
  • Training Workshops / Conferences
    • Trainees will be strongly encouraged to participate in relevant workshop and/or conference organised by CCC to enhance their professional growth and development.
  • To include programmes and strategies to develop and promote student’s education and career guidance and/or employability skills

This comprehensive list of trainee support services is not meant to be exhaustive. The School undertakes the responsibility to continually improve on ensuring that all trainees’ welfare and needs are well taken care of and will do so by school-trainee engagements through the various trainee touch points.

Only trainees who have not passed their assessment may submit an appeal for review of results using “Appeal Form” through the Course Chair giving their reasons. This form can be obtained from the Admin Executive (Training). This appeal must be submitted within 7 working days from the release of exam results, together with the Appeal of Results fee found in the Fee Payment Structure table under miscellaneous fees.

The trainee’s work will be reviewed by a second and independent assessor. Upon re-assessment, the grade will be submitted to the Course Chair.

The Course Chair will submit the original mark, the trainee’s appeal and the reasons given, and the second mark given by the second independent marker to CCC Academic and Examination Board for endorsement and decision. The decision of the CCC Academic and Examination Board is final.

In the event that an appeal to review the assignment results has not been submitted to CCC within the given window period (7 working days), the trainee loses the right to appeal.

Payment of Course Fee

Trainees are responsible for paying all fees in advance or by arrangement, in installments. In cases where fees are paid in installments; the final installment must be paid before they are allowed to take course assessments and examinations. For more information on course fees, please click HERE.

If trainees have an award, scholarship, or sponsorship (Eg: VCF grant) and the fees are to be paid by a third party, the trainee shall supply billing information at the commencement of the course. However, in all cases even when fees are payable by a third party, Trainees remain personally liable to CCC for the fees.

Persistent failure to meet financial or material obligations to CCC may lead to a trainee not having their results formally confirmed on the pass list or result listings not disclosed to them until they have paid their fees in full.

Fee Protection Scheme (FPS)

Counselling and Care Centre (CCC) is EduTrust Certified.

The EduTrust Certification Scheme (EduTrust) is a quality assurance scheme administered and governed by SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) for Private Education Institutions (PEIs) in Singapore.

All students will be insured by a Fee Protection Scheme (FPS) Group Insurance, which is purchased by Counselling and Care Centre through LONPAC Insurance Bhd, an appointed insurance company.

The Fee Protection Scheme (FPS) serves to protect the interest of all students should the Private Education Institution (PEI) be unable to continue to operate.

Click to view the Certificate for FPS.

  • Application Fee, GST, Miscellaneous fees and FPS insurance premium are exempted from FPS.
  • The FPS insurance premium will be borne by the trainee and amount payable will be advised in the student contract.


For more information on miscellaneous fees and its purpose, please click HERE.

CCC accepts feedback, complaints or grievances in writing. You may fill in the Feedback Form and submit it to the school via the designated email: or hardcopy Feedback Form. An acknowledgement will be given to the complainant within 3 working days.

For official complaints received, it would need to adhere to the Dispute Resolution Policy stated below:

CCC will work towards resolving the matter within 7 working days. Trainees should acknowledge the situation on whether they are satisfied with the proposed solution within 14 working days upon receipt of the complaint.

If the trainee declines the solution, the grievance will be referred to the Executive Director who will review the case and offer a second solution. The decision of the Executive Director is final. The final outcome made, including this entire process, should not take more than 21 working days unless otherwise specified.

In the event that the deadline is not adhered to, respective trainees must be notified and the reasons with regards to the delay must be made known.

In the event that CCC and the trainee cannot come to an agreement or the trainee does not accept the final decision made, they will be referred to Singapore Mediation Centre (SMC) or Singapore Institute of Arbitrators (SIArb) for mediation.

Attendance requirements

Trainees are expected to be present at all scheduled sessions. If, for any reason, you are unable to be present, please email Course Chair and Admin Executive (Training) to apply for a leave of absence preferably one day earlier, citing the reason.

A trainee on medical leave is required to furnish the medical certificate to the Admin Executive (Training) by the following training session.

A minimum of 80% attendance of total course hours is strictly required. A trainee who is absent from class for more than 20% of course hours without notice and valid reasons may be deemed to have withdrawn from the course.

Additionally, 90% attendance is required every month for trainees who are Student’s Pass holders. CCC will notify the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority Singapore (ICA) whenever a Student’s Pass holder has a monthly attendance of less than 90%. Additionally, Student’s Pass holders who miss 7 consecutive days of class will be liable to have their Student’s Pass cancelled with effect from the 8th day and the Letter of Cancellation will be sent to the student’s place of residence in Singapore as registered with CCC.

Trainees’ Status at CCC

Throughout the period of training, Trainees who are required to see clients of CCC for practicum will be introduced as “Associate Therapists”. This title is strictly used at CCC only for purpose of  clinical work with clients.

Dress Code for Clinical Work

Trainees are required to dress appropriately for their work with clients, both when seeing families, and also when consulting with their colleagues in the supervision group.

Cleanliness & Use of Utilities

Trainees should help maintain general cleanliness of premises. It is also appreciated that trainees help to ensure that lights, air-cons and all video/audio systems are switched off when not in use.

Code of Conduct (Trainees) – Trainee Academic Dishonesty Policy

            • There is an expectation for trainees to be authors of their own work and to acknowledge when they use other authors’ words or ideas when preparing their assignments and/or assessments.
            • Any examples of inappropriate use of sources or use of others’ work in place of your own, will be penalised.
            • Failure to understand and follow protocol on academic conduct may ultimately result in a trainee being subjected to disciplinary actions or terminated from their course.

Please refer to details of Academic misconduct- Trainee Academic Dishonesty Policy

Definition of Misconduct

Trainees enrolled into the courses of CCC are expected to conduct themselves appropriately in a manner that shows respect to fellow course mates and staff of CCC at all times. If a trainee is alleged to have misbehaved badly or engaged in wrongful behaviour, the Course Chair conducts an investigation.

Examples of bad or wrongful behaviour include but are not limited to the following:

      • Possession / consumption of prohibited product or drugs
      • Vandalism
      • Plagiarism
      • Copying or cheating in tests or assessments
      • Physical or verbal abuse
      • Sexual misconduct
      • Abuse or misuse of furniture or equipment
      • Stealing
      • Fighting, hooliganism and extortion
      • Being persistently or frequently late for lessons or training sessions
      • Absent without valid reason for more than 3 consecutive sessions
      • Defiance of CCC’s rules and regulations
      • Violation of the laws of Singapore

Consequence of Misconduct

Based on the facts that are uncovered, the Course Chair in consultation with the Executive Director / Management Team, if need be, decides on the appropriate disciplinary measure that is educative and proportionate to the bad or wrongful behaviour. For example, the Course Chair will initiate contact via email/phone to trainee who is absent for two (02) training sessions consecutively without notice and valid reason, to find out the reasons for the absence and to counsel the trainee if necessary.

While not limited to the list below, the disciplinary measure (s) taken may be one or more of the following, depending on the severity, and at the sole discretion of CCC:

      • Counselling Sessions as part of early intervention measures
      • Verbal warnings
      • Issuance of warning letters
      • Reduction of marks for a test or assessment
      • Suspension
      • Expulsion
      • A fine
      • A Report to Police


CCC adopts the Refund Policy as per the Standard Student Contract provided for all PEIs. This Policy will act as a framework in guiding the implementation of detailed refund processes and procedures in the following areas:

      • Refund for Withdrawal Due to Non-Delivery of Course
      • Refund for Withdrawal Due to Other Reasons
      • Cooling off Period

The maximum processing time from trainee’s request of withdrawal (with refunds) to the issuance of the qualified refund amount should not exceed 7 working days.

CCC’s Refund Policy as per clauses in the Standard Student Contract: –


Refund due to Non-Delivery of Course:

CCC will notify the trainee within three (3) working days upon knowledge of any of the following:

      • It cannot commence the provision of the Course on the Course Commencement Date;
      • It cannot complete the provision of the Course by the Course Completion Date;
      • The Course will be terminated before the Course Completion Date;
      • The Student does not meet the course entry or matriculation requirements as stated in Schedule A of the standard student contract; or
      • The Immigration and Checkpoints Authority of Singapore (the “ICA”) rejects the Student’s application for the Student Pass.

The Trainee should be informed in writing of alternative study arrangements (if any), and also be entitled to a refund of the entire Course Fees and Miscellaneous Fees already paid should the Trainee decide to withdraw, within seven (7) working days of the above notice

Refund during Cooling-off Period:

CCC will provide the Trainee with a cooling-off period of ten (10) working days after the date that the Contract has been signed by both parties.

The Trainee will be refunded the highest percentage (stated in Schedule D of the Standard Student Contract) of the fees already paid if the Trainee submits a written notice of withdrawal to CCC within the cooling-off period, regardless of whether the Trainee has started the course or not.

Refund for Withdrawal Due to Other Reasons: 

If the Trainee withdraws from the Course for any reason other than those stated in Clause 3.1 of the standard student contract, CCC will, within seven (7) working days of receiving the Trainee’s written notice of withdrawal, refund to the Trainee an amount based on the table (as below) in Schedule D of the standard student contract.

Refund Table

% of [the amount of Course Fees and Miscellaneous Fees paid under Schedules B and C] If the Contracting Party’s written notice of withdrawal is received:
[70%] more than [22] working days before the Course Commencement Date
[0%] on and before, but not more than [22] working days before the Course Commencement Date
[0%] after, but not more than [22] working days after the Course Commencement Date
[0%] more than [22] working days after the Course Commencement Date

CCC reserves the right to cancel a course if the trainee number does not meet the minimum number required by CCC, in which case the refund policy will apply. CCC will inform trainees of the cancellation of course not less than three (3) working days before the course commencement. In such a case, the application fee will also be refunded within seven (7) working days after the announcement of course cancellation.

Non Refundable Fees

The following are non-refundable:

Application Fee paid

However, in the circumstance where CCC has decided not to commence a course, the application fee will be refunded within seven (7) working days after the trainee is notified.

Miscellaneous Fees paid

However, a refund will be made for the scenarios in a ‘Refund for Withdrawal Due to Non-Delivery of Course’

Third parties’ charges

For example, bank charges, if applicable.



    1. For any requests on Refunds, trainees are to fill in the Trainee Withdrawal Request Form and submit them to the School Admin.
    2. Trainees should state the reasons for the request in the form.
    3. For trainees below the age of 18 Years Old, a written consent would need to be obtained from the parent / legal guardian. Evidence of consent can emails / letters which will need to be attached to the Trainee Withdrawal Request Form.
    4. For employer sponsored trainee, an endorsement from the sponsor would need to be obtained from the sponsoring organisation in the Trainee Withdrawal Request Form.
    5. The Course Chair would need to then arrange an interview with the trainee to understand more on the rationale of request if necessary. This would be part of the processing of trainee request and details would need to be documented in the Trainee Withdrawal Request Form.
    6. For any refund request cases, the Course Chair would need to determine if the trainee is eligible for refund and document down in the Trainee Withdrawal Request Form.
    7. If the trainee is eligible for refund, the Finance would calculate the refund amount and document down in the Trainee Withdrawal Request Form.
    8. The Executive Director would need to approve Course Withdrawals / Refunds in the Trainee Withdrawal Request Form.
    9. Upon Executive Director’s approval, School Admin would need to notify trainees in writing of the outcome through Notification of Course Withdrawal Request letter.
    10. The computation of the refund amount (if any) would be communicated through the Notification of Course Withdrawal Request letter.


Course Transfer, Withdrawal, and Deferment Policy 

CCC allows trainees to withdraw from a course in accordance with its withdrawal and refund policy.

CCC’s transfer policy does not allow for course transfers. A trainee who wishes to move to a different course withdraws from the current course in accordance with its withdrawal and refund policy and reapplies for the new course which is then treated as a fresh application.

CCC’S deferment policy also does not allow for course deferments.  A trainee who needs to defer will have to withdraw from the current course in accordance with its withdrawal and refund policy. He reapplies for the course when he is ready – this is treated as a fresh application.

The maximum processing time from the trainee’s request of any withdrawal to notifying the trainee of the outcome in writing should not exceed 4 weeks.

CCC will base the trainee requests on the following definitions: –

      • Course Withdrawal: Trainee discontinues all courses with CCC

The School Admin is to ensure that they inform ICA of any changes to the status of all student pass holders. This would include the following policy guidelines: –

      • Course Withdrawal: ICA will be informed through the cancellation of the Student Pass.

For any Course Withdrawals, CCC would need to obtain the trainee’s parent / legal guardian’s written consent if they are under 18 years of age.



      1. For any requests on Withdrawals, trainees are to fill in the Trainee Withdrawal Request Form and submit them to the School Admin.
      2. Trainees should state the reasons for the request in the form.
      3. For trainees below the age of 18 Years Old, written consent would need to be obtained from the parent / legal guardian. Evidence of consent can be emails / letters which will need to be attached to the Trainee Withdrawal Request Form.
      4. For employer-sponsored trainees, an endorsement from the sponsor would need to be obtained from the sponsoring organisation in the Trainee Withdrawal Request Form.
      5. The Course Chair would need to then arrange an interview with the trainee to understand more on the rationale of the request if necessary. This would be part of the processing of trainee request and details would need to be documented in the Trainee Withdrawal Request Form.
      6. The Executive Director would need to approve Course Withdrawals in the Trainee Withdrawal Request Form.
      7. Upon Executive Director’s approval, School Admin would need to notify trainees in writing of the outcome through Notification of Course Withdrawal Request letter.

CCC maintains confidentiality of all information and personal data collected from its service users, staff, and volunteers in accordance with the requirements of the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (the “PDPA”). Consent will be sought from service users for the use of their personal data beyond the original intent of data collection unless requested by government agencies.

It is also CCC’s policy that confidential data should be stored in a secure manner to protect that confidentiality. This policy would also cover course assessment materials and trainees’ results.

Access to service users and staff data is restricted to authorised staff. All staff gives an undertaking to maintain confidentiality and security of information as employees of CCC.

Should you have any feedback or enquiries relating to your personal data, please contact our Personal Data Protection Officer Ms. Karen Quek at

For more information about PDPA generally, please visit the Personal Data Protection Commission’s website HERE.

  • The website content is copyrighted.