Post Graduate Diploma in Systemic Family Psychotherapy (PGDSFP)

The course will be funded under the non-preapproved PCG route for SSAs.

This course replaces the previous PGC-SPC, PGC-CYF, Module 3 of PGDFSP and PGDFSP.

It combines the three certificate courses into a one year Post Graduate Diploma Course.

The course seeks to provide rigorous training for future and aspiring family therapists in the Singapore context.


About the Course

The Post Graduate Diploma in Systemic Family Psychotherapy is a 315-hour part-time programme to equip course participants to work with couples and families with relational and parenting challenges. It is offered at the intermediate level of training in systemic and family psychotherapy. Course participants are expected to have a foundational appreciation or understanding of Systemic Thinking and Psychotherapy. They need to have gone through foundational post graduate certification in Systemic Thinking and Practice. One example of such a course at this level is the “Post Graduate Certificate in Systemic Thinking and Approaches – Applications to Social Work Context and Clinical Practice” course offered by the Centre.
This programme aims to provide course participants with a greater understanding of the dynamics of couples and families from a systemic framework. Its distinctive feature is the emphasis on facilitating course participants’ development of a repertoire of skills and techniques through guidance and supervision on their clinical practice with couples and families.

315 Hours
4 July 2025
19 June 2026

Learning Outcomes

This course enables participants:


  • To provide an intermediate level of knowledge, understanding and application of a range of theories from systemic practice and family therapy in working with couples and families using a systemic approach.
  • To enhance abilities of course participants to appreciate, evaluate and critique relevant research studies, evidence base for systemic practice, and to utilize research appropriately in clinical practice.

Theory into Practice

  • To enable course participants to apply clinical and case management skills systemically in working with couples and families from convening and engaging, to developing and conducting systemic hypotheses and interventions, and maintaining therapeutic alliance, and in working with couples and families systemically in multi-disciplinary settings,
  • To increase reflexivity of course participants by generating an understanding of the self of the practitioner and consideration of the impact of their personal and professional issues on clinical practice and issues of power and difference, as well as develop understanding and management of ethical issues in clinical practice.

Applicants should:

  1. Preferably possess at least a bachelor’s degree in social work, psychology, counselling and /or Post Graduate Diploma in Social Work or Counselling.
  2. Have completed PGC-STA (conducted by CCC) or equivalent of a postgraduate certificate/ basic course in systemic thinking and family therapy with at least 60 training hours.
  3. Have at least 5 years relevant work experience and are currently involved in direct clinical work with couples and families in their own work settings.
  4. Obtain relevant permission for audio/ video recorded materials to be utilised for supervision in class, and/or for clients to be brought in for live supervised practice.

Please refer to the fee payment structure table for the course fees.

Course Structure

The course will be on Fridays, 9am to 5pm, unless otherwise stated. There will be 4 blocks of intensive training by visiting trainers, covering specialised / specific topics, including supervised practice. With the exception of one block of 2 consecutive days of intensive training, each block will be 3 consecutive days of intensive training.

Teaching, Learning Methodology

The programme adopts an integrated approach comprising of lectures, group discussions, readings, interactive role plays, experiential exercises, skills practice, written assignments and supervised clinical practice. Course participants are expected to take responsibility for their own learning by preparing a portfolio of clinical practice, which would be presented for assessment towards the end of the programme.

There will be 4 blocks of intensive training by visiting trainers, covering specialised/ specific topics, including supervised practice. Each block will be 2-3 days of intensive training.

Course Modules Trainers

1. Theories and Practice of Systemic Family Psychotherapy Across Life Cycle and Specific Issues

-Theories and Practice of Systemic Family Psychotherapy Across Life Cycle, namely Principles and Precepts in Working with Couples, Families when Children and Adolescents are involved, and Families with Older Adults

-Use of Self of the Therapist

-Ethical Issues in Systemic Family Psychotherapy

-Research in Systemic Family Psychotherapy

-Working with Diversity, Spirituality and Cross-Cultural Issues in Systemic Family Psychotherapy

-Specific issues commonly faced by couples and families, namely Grief and Loss, Mental Health Issues, Trauma, Relational Violence, Divorce and Post-Divorce Adjustments, Sex and Sexuality, Betrayal, Infidelity and Affairs

Sharon Sng, Foo Soo Jen, Dr. Chua Wei Bin, Tony Ong, Terence Tan, Charlotte Chen, Cheryl Lim, Jade Low, Dr. Ang Xinying, Andrew Chong, Dr. Jenny Brown, Jill Freeman, Gene Combs, Dr. Alba Nino

2. Supervision and Practice on Working with Couples and Families Systemically

Throughout the course, a substantial amount of time has been allocated towards the acquisition and honing of clinical skills using the systemic approach in working with couples and families, through skills practice and supervised practice. Course participants will have ample opportunities to receive feedback through video and live supervision on their direct work with couples and families from intake stage onwards. These intakes could come from either CCC or from their own home agencies. The learning experience will be enhanced through a team approach whereby course participants learn not only from the course supervisors, but also from their peers in a group setting. There will also be a 3-day intensive skills training and integration of theory into practice.

The Supervisor to Student ratio will be kept at a maximum of 1:6

Sharon Sng, Foo Soo Jen, Dr. Jenny Brown, Jill Freeman, Gene Combs, Dr. Alba Nino, Cheryl Lim, Charlotte Chen, Jade Low, Tony Ong, Terence Tan

Minimum Class Size: 10
Average Teacher-Student Ratio: 1:6

Teaching and Learning Strategies

The programme adopts an integrated approach comprising of lectures, group discussions, readings, interactive role plays, experiential exercises, skills practice, written assignments and supervised clinical practice. Course participants are expected to take responsibility for their own learning by preparing a portfolio of clinical practice, which would be presented for assessment towards the end of the programme.

Requirements for Completion
Methods of Assessment

Written assignment, Reflection of Readings, Portfolio of Clinical Practice, Clinical Supervision’s continual assessment of learning and practice.

Assessment Schedule

Submission of written assignment : TBC

Submission of project paper : TBC

Submission of portfolio of clinical practice: TBC
Individual Presentations of Portfolio of Clinical Practice: TBC

Requirements for Completion

Trainees should:

  1. Attain attendance of at least 80% of total course hours  (315 hours)
  2. Submit and pass one written assignment.
  3. Complete a Reflection of Readings.
  4. Present and pass Portfolio of Clinical Practice and Integration of Learning – presentation of videotaped material of clinical work with discussion of knowledge  of systemic theories and reference from relevant research studies to a panel of assessors, demonstrating appropriate conceptualisation and integration of theory in relation to therapeutic work.
  5. Satisfactory assessment by supervisors.
  6. Participation in Group Personal Development as part of  the course.
  7. Completion of log of clinical work of at least 100 hours  with couple and families in their home agencies.
  8. Complete 20 hours of tape reviews of their work with  couples and families
  9. Complete supervised clinical work.

Trainees will be awarded ‘Post Graduate Diploma in Systemic Family Psychotherapy’ upon fulfilling the Requirements for Completion.

Opportunities for Further Education

Continuing on-the-job training through regular consultation with CCC.

How to Apply

Please submit the Training Application Form when the applications open.

Kindly contact Training Admin, training@counsel.org.sg, for the closing date.

Intake Date of commencement Date of completion
July 2025 04 July 2025 19 June 2026
Documents for Application

Submission of the following supportive documents is required for processing of the application:

  1. CV
  2. Educational qualifications and highest English language proficiency (with grades attained, if applicable)
  3. Completed Letter of reference from the home agency/ Employer
  4. Personal statement – A letter of introduction not exceeding 500 words on your reasons and/or experiences that have shaped your desire to apply for this course of study
Shortlisted applicants
  • Applicants will be notified via email within 7 days from the closing date of application if they have been shortlisted for an interview.
  • Only shortlisted applicants will be scheduled for an entrance interview to be assessed for suitability for admission into the course.
  • They are also to prepare an audio/videotaped segment of their clinical work, preferably with couples or families in their work settings, as part of the entrance interview.
  • Interviews will be scheduled during April 2025.

For further information, please submit your enquiries using the Contact Us form. Please remember to mention the name of the course you are enquiring about.


Apply for July 2025 Intake Now!

Frequently Asked Questions

All the courses offered are in-person unless otherwise stated.

Yes, many of our training programs are eligible for continuing education. For further information, please refer to the program details

All our trainers hold advanced degrees in their respective fields and have significant experience in both clinical practice and training. To find out more about each specific trainer, check out our team.

For full information on miscellaneous fees and instalments, view our Fee Payment Structure 2025.

Counselling and Care Centre, UEN S75SS0014F
Reference of transaction: Name of Applicant (as in NRIC)

Email the payment details to training@counsel.org.sg
Account name: Counselling and Care Centre
Name of bank: DBS Bank Ltd
Account number: 010-011739-9
Reference of transaction: Name of Applicant (as in NRIC)

Email the transaction advice and payment details to training@counsel.org.sg

Pay to Counselling and Care Centre Write your name (as in NRIC) and title of course at the back of the cheque
Mail cheque to: Counselling and Care Centre, Blk 536 Upper Cross St, #05-241, Hong Lim Complex, Singapore 050536
Email us at training@counsel.org.sg to inform us that you have sent the cheque.

Payment can be made at Counselling and Care Centre.

Instructions: Payment to be made within 30 days upon receipt of invoice.

Equip Yourself to Enhance Your Quality of Care


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