
Training Policies

Trainee’s Charter

CCC is committed in respect of all its activities to the implementation of its values, which are Compassion, Courage, Humility, Integrity, and Professionalism.

The Values undergirds the Trainees’ Charter, which acknowledges the rights of Trainees who are registered as Trainees with CCC. The support and guidance given to trainees at the Centre are based on its principles, which also guide how the Centre relates to other community agencies.

Rights and Opportunities of Trainees

Trainees who are registered with CCC can expect the following:

    • Be treated respectfully as an adult learner with previous appropriate professional experience.
    • Have a clear organisational structure for learning.
    • Be given opportunities to develop their abilities to the best of their potential.
    • Be treated equally irrespective of religion, race, gender, class, age, or agency that they work in.
    • Be given all the administrative help necessary.
    • Be given regular and adequate feedback throughout the duration of the course.
    • Be granted the opportunity to give feedback to the Course Chair on all administrative matters related to the course.
    • Be granted the opportunity to give feedback to the Supervisors on matters directly related to the course.
    • Opportunities to redress complaints via the Course Chair and the Executive Director of CCC should the need arise. For example, when they cannot resolve their difficulties directly with their supervisors or fellow trainees.
    • Be consulted when feedback about them are requested by their agencies.

Learning Resources and Administrative Support

Use of Library

Please refer to our Trainee Portal to access the library catalogue and follow the procedures for borrowing. Trainees can borrow up to 3 books at a time with the loan period of 3 weeks. Returning and borrowing of books is restricted to the library opening hours on the day of the course. A fine of 10 cents per day will be imposed for keeping books beyond due dates.

Journals are available for reference only within the Centre. Please sign out and sign back in on the Journals Loan Recording Sheet that is placed at the Reception desk at the Training Wing of CCC, when borrowing and returning any of the journals. Trainees can borrow up to 3 journals at a time within the day. Please help to shelf the journals when returning them after reference.

Library users are responsible for the cost of repair or replacement of any materials damaged or lost whilst in their possession.

Booking of Rooms for Tape Review

Trainees also have access to the use of rooms for clinical work, and the use of video cameras for taping and monitors to view their work.


The charge for photocopying materials for personal readings is 10 cents per side of A4 size paper.

CCC complies with the Copyright Act of Singapore (1999, Section 35), and seeks to ensure that every staff and Trainee complies with this Act regarding the photocopying of articles and reading materials. Any breach of the Act may lead to disciplinary action being taken, access to library facilities being withdrawn or dismissal from the course.


Trainees are to switch mobile phones and any other sound producing devices to OFF mode or to SILENT mode during the duration of the training. If calls have to be answered, trainees are expected to leave the room to respond to calls. A telephone is provided in the training wing. However, no incoming calls will be connected unless under urgent circumstances. Messages will be taken on behalf of trainees, where possible. Out-going calls can be made during the breaks. Long distance calls will be charged to trainees.


Refreshments in the form of hot drinks and drinking water are provided. Trainees may however choose to bring any additional food or drink items. Food items may be heated using the Centre’s microwave oven. Please remember to use non-metallic utensils (this includes crockery with non-metal based paints).

Request for Specific Assistance

Trainees may request for Administrative Executive to help in contacting clients and arranging appointments with them, setting up client files and booking of rooms for tape reviews.